Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I have read the manual (dummy)

I have put a lot of pins on a beer mat

Dropped all the pins

Found all except four

Stood on chairs

Stood on my step ladder

Changed in and out of my woollie several times

Trod on the dog several times

Viewed myself from a number of angles in a mirror which will only allow approx ¾ of a view (as long as you're prepared to view yourself while levitating in a horizontal position at about shoulder height)

Stuck pins and unstuck them

Discovered that inside out isn’t quite the reverse of outside out

Reversed the bits that weren’t outside when inside should have been out.

In short, (but that would have been very boring) I have sewed and made a garment.

Here it is.

Admittedly it’s just a big scarf with a hole cut in the top and a couple of seams up the sides (I’m going to have to learn about facings I think) but it’ll do for a bit of non-intensive wear in the Summer :). If I get round to facings it may even do a bit of intensive wear – who knows.

My coffee has gone stone cold and the power is having another intermittent day (it’s quite wild and windy out there). Also Blogger seems to be having an intermittent day..well an off day actually and I’ve discovered that my lap top isn’t really connecting itself to the internet, it’s been connecting to…er??? The other computer? I really don’t know. It won’t connect when the other one’s off anyway.

Shame, I thought it was being so clever :)

That's odd, I had typed :) in the posting window but it came up as J in the published post! weird.


At 5:33 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Uh oh......
May the connection gods find it in the hearts to reconnect you?

And personally, I like the scarf with the hold in the middle and the seams up the side!

What a clever idea!
I have soooooo many scarves that would work well with--now I'm gonna wonder who's machine I can snag!

At 5:34 AM, Blogger Mel said...


WHOSE. I meant WHOSE!!

My fingers couldn't keep up with my brain and took another shortcut dangit!!

At 9:34 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I knew what you meant anyway Mel:) And I'm wondering why I kept typing J!
My fingers seem to have wandered all over the keyboard...maybe I wasn't concentrating :)

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great photographer, great cook and now I learn great seamstress. Is there no end to your talents, I wonder?

At 1:44 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

I have a great poncho pattern, which I knit - but can also be used for any two pieces of material. . .

just take two rectangles of A4 proportion and join them in an L-shape (so the short side of one joins the long side of the other at one of the corners, yeah?) (do it with a couple of pieces of paper to see how easy it is)

then join the opposite edges by twisting the material together - leaves a head shaped hole in the middle

can be worn with "corner points" down at front and back, less bulk over arms; or with "corner points" going along the length of your arms, leaving a straight flat front and back (depends on your tum and your bum basically)

very versatile!!

and then, once you've got the knack of it, you can vary the shape of the rectangle to make a wider slash neck or deeper V-neck, depending on which way you wear the poncho (points down, or lengthways across arms)

or, even, if you knitted it, pick up the stitches around the neck line and add a roll-neck by knitting round and round in a circle, or add a collar by knitting left to right to left to right backwards and forwards until the collar is the right size

(if you're not a knitter, buy some tweed and do the rectablge thing and then fringe the bottom edge of the tweed farbic - very effective)(if you are a knitter it works equally well in StSt or Garter)


At 1:45 PM, Blogger I, Like The View said...

oh - yours is lovely BTW

can imagine you floating around in that in the summer evenings, under twinkly lights, at a fmaily do!

At 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So proud of you! Thats fantastic!!!

At 2:29 AM, Blogger Mel said...

Okay.....that's it.

I'm getting my laptop and crawling in bed.
All SORTS of talents popup when you become a bedblogger!

At 3:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice job! sewing is very gratifying.

At 10:43 AM, Blogger mig bardsley said...

I think I'm good at sleeping too considering how little of it I do:)

That took me a few minutes I, working out which bits went together! I now have a paper poncho. Fantastic :) But alas I am not a knitter. I can only knit holes with bits of string round the edges (another of my talents Thursday)

Thanks Sam...nowhere near as impressive as your hat though:)

Dormant talemts Mel:)

It is indeed Kyah and I so love a bit of gratification:)


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